Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sting does Dowland

Oh well, I suppose it had to happen that someone in pop would discover 'Early Music' but I'm not sure this should be on Radio 3. What next? I know - Madonna could record a multi-track version of 'Spem in Alium'.

To be fair, his lute playing doesn't sound too bad but he still can't sing...

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Living on the West coast of Scotland near the Clyde Valley you'd think it would be possible to get decent apples... anyone who knows me will recognise the grouchy comment as I've gone on about this for years having moved up from London where English apples were abundant at this time of the year.

Still, the GF came home from a visit to the Lake Dstrict this week with some Spartans and Sweet Lillibet and we visisted the Borders Organic Gardeners walled garden last weekend where we gt some (I think) Ellison's Orange and Scotch Dumpling cookers... I have high hopes of the local farmers' market this weekend as well.


Welcome to my Blog. The title comes from a friend of mine who suggested that it's something I need to do... so a place to rant and generally chew over what's wrong with the world should do me good.

I'm English, white, 49 years old living with my girlfriend on the rural West Coast of Scotland. I am a senior manager in the NHS - about which I may gripe frequently but less than I would if I had to work in the NHS in England!

Come in, pull up a chair, pour yourself a glass of Highland Park and we'll set the world to rights.